Life Leadership Has A New BLog

27 05 2015

Hey Everybody!  Life Leadership has an exciting new blog for us to follow the impact the company is making around the world. Check out Life Founder Chris Brady’s introduction to this great new blog.

Enjoy, Steve Leurquin 

Introducing the brand new Life Leadership blog!

 You’ve asked for it and now you’ve got it, a place where we at the company can quickly post for the world to see all the great things happening both behind the scenes and out in the field. 

 Subscribe to this new blog’s posts so you don’t miss any of the updates of the new “Life on Life” Initiative and how Life Members across our various markets are making a real difference in people’s lives in so many important ways.

 We look forward to your comments and active participation in this blog. Help us make it a very visible and important property on the web!  Please go there now and leave a comment.  Thx!

 Here’s the link:


Fighting Out of The Matrix

5 05 2015

This past week my kids turned me on to this heart-tugging, mind bending music video. The parallels to how most of us feel, trapped in today’s matrix of false information is amazing.

Watch as one leader’s voice is all the group needs to break out of the matrix. Watch their eyes change as they are blessed with truth. Notice how they are gaged from speaking and constant media is forced in their ears. Man! This video hits close to home.

Life Leadership is providing people with a path to break out of the Matrix.  New information that is generated from the only true path is needed because we already know where information that doesn’t follow that path has taken us.

As in the video, it only takes one to change the tide. Will you be that one who provides the voice of truth?!

Enjoy, Steve

Assist of a Champion, Shot of a Lifetime

20 09 2013

There are moments when I am just so proud to be a human being I just can’t stand it! With tears in my eyes I watched this video several time and I am in awe of God’s glory! God? You may ask. God didn’t pass Mitchell the ball.

Well, if a creator did not exist, if we were just products of chance and only the fittest survive in a quest of superiority to advance the best genes, then Jonathan would have never done what he did and Coach Moralas would not even bother taking Mitchell under his care. There is absolute truth and thank you to Coach, Mitchell, and Jonathan for your shinning light of how great that truth can be!

Enjoy the video, Steve Leurquin

Ben Carson at The National Prayer Breakfast

18 02 2013

Check out Orrin Woodward’s post from last week showing Ben Carson at the National Prayer Breakfast speaking the truth. I will let the write up by Mr. Woodward and the video speak fot itself, but I will add that when truth is spoken it is music to the ears! Thank you Mr. Carson for having the courage to speak the truth no matter who is watching.

Enjoy, Steve Leurquin


Dr. Ben Carson at the National Prayer Breakfast

Posted by Orrin Woodward on February 14, 2013

I woke up early this morning excited to watch Benjamin Carson’stalk at the National Prayer Breakfast. So many people have emailed me the link and said it reminded them of concepts shared by Oliver DeMille and me in the soon-to-be-released book LeaderShift. There is a law of life, similar to the one in science, that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Today, America is drifting further and further towards a socialist nanny state; thankfully, however, a reaction is rising amongst leaders from all fields of life who are concerned about the direction of our society and are willing to do something about it. I sincerely believe that character-based leadership is needed more today in America than at any point since the founding of our nation.

Ben Carson, in this speech, made a stand for truth on education, history, and leadership. Not surprisingly, many of the concepts discussed in Dr. Carson’s speech are outlined in LeaderShift to help solve our national malaise. In other words, concerned Americans are not alone. Nonetheless, we need many more leaders to stand up and launch the LeaderShift! When faced with great challenges, the citizen’s choices reduce to two main paths: either shrink into silence and oppression or rise into leadership and liberty. What choice will the reader make? I believe we are entering great times for courageous leaders to live.


Orrin Woodward

Feeding Your Faith Or Fear

8 07 2012

Recently I asked my readers what are some topics they want to read about. Kristen Seidl  gave me the idea of taking the poem by Marianne Williamson “Our Deepest Fear” and breaking it down in sections to help people live the life they’ve always wanted. Best selling author Orrin Woodward in his book Resolved writes of this poem in relation to one’s purpose.

Here is the poem in bold italics section by section followed by my thoughts in regular font.

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

Many times I see people on the verge of success only to let it crumble only steps away from the victory line. Before reading this I would only scratch my head confused but now realize that many times it’s because their greatness is being revealed and its scares them.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

In a world where darkness is celebrated as the norm, a ray of light not only frightens us but those around us. That light which should be celebrated is often shunned making it more comfortable for the person shining the light to return to the darkness.

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

When we discover this our fears don’t seem to matter much at all.

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.

Probably my favorite section of the poem! How many times do we or others shrink because we think there is no way one person can change the world. There is greatness inside each one of us and if everyone didn’t stop until we discovered that individual greatness, imagine how much better this world would be?! Also, children shine in greatness and believe they have it in them. At what age do they stop believing there is greatness in them and why?

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

Keep searching and working to unveil the God-given greatness that is in each one of us.

And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

Many people are trapped in a world of mediocrity because of fear.  Every time someone else has the courage to step out of their fear it causes a ripple affect of others who now have “permission” to overcome their fears. The catch is someone has to lead. Someone has to be the first one so that there is a blueprint for others to follow. Who will that be? Get off the couch, take a stand, and be the change so desperately needed in this world giving someone else the faith to overcome their fear!

Enjoy the journey, Steve Leurquin

Buried Treasures

21 02 2012

“You and every other individual on this planet possess an awesome treasure. Too much of this treasure is buried every day, untapped and untouched, in the cemeteries of this world. Much talent, skill and creativity have been lost to the world for want of a little courage. Many obscure men and women enter eternity pregnant with potential, with a stillborn purpose. Living with ability brings responsibility. Dying with ability brings irresponsibility.”  – Myles Monroe

Hearing this quote for the first time this past Sunday it really got me thinking how much talent in this world does go untaped, buried and gone forever. There are many reasons why a person’s treasure goes untouched. Lack of opportunity, time, energy, etc. the list goes on and on. I am not there yet, but I imagine that at the end of our lives our reasons for not living out our purpose are just excuses. If every person has an awesome treasure why do so many not tap into it?

There is not much commentary to add to this quote other than read it and think about it. I hope that you don’t take your treasure with you because, well…. you can’t!

Enjoy the journey,

Steve Leurquin 

Merry Christmas From Steve and Jamie Leurquin

25 12 2011

We started a Christmas tradition a few years ago that on Christmas Eve we would all sleep on the living room floor. At 11:50 PM let’s do a roll call, wife-out, 9 year old-out, 7 year old-out, 3 year old-wide awake! As I am waiting for her to fall to sleep so I can “make some deliveries” I am thinking if only I would have known then what I know now before  starting a family tradition.

Passing the time I began searching for one of my favorite comedians Tim Hawkins and I found this funny piece on Christmas.

Merry Christmas to everyone as we remember the true meaning of what this day is all about. Enjoy this poem I found on Dan Hawkins’ Leadership Blog on the true meaning of Christmas.

Lisa and I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! We hope you are enjoying the holiday and staying focused on the real reason for the season!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

God bless, Dan and Lisa Hawkins

True Christian Christmas

Christmas isn’t showy gifts
Or glittering decoration;
It’s honoring our Savior, Jesus Christ
In humble adoration.

It’s serving those less fortunate,
Meeting their needs before our own;
It’s making sure at Christmas time
That no one is alone.

It’s taking what we would have spent
On things that no one needs,
And using it to help someone
With service and good deeds.

Our Savior showed us how to live
With charity, faith and service.
It makes the holidays a joy,
More peaceful, and less nervous.

So let’s remember Christmas is
About our Savior’s birth;
That’s the way to happiness,
The way to peace on earth.

By Joanna Fuchs

 Merry Christmas, Steve Leurquin

With LIFE-Team It’s AGO!

12 11 2011

Looking back throughout my life, the number of things I regret doing are too many to count.  Throwing a stone at my neighbor’s head for riding my big wheel, jumping off the roof with an umbrella, picking up the homecoming date for the dance with my dad’s Brady-mobile station wagon, the list goes on and on.

One thing I would have regretted for eternity is not finding truth in my life and not coming to faith.  My wife and I got involved with the LIFE Team several years ago to improve our finances.  The system of information put out by LIFE founder Orrin Woodward is amazing in what it did for our financial situation but we were still searching for something more.

We later found that Team had an AGO (All Grace Outreach) system of information that helped people answer some pressing question about faith in their lives.  What I liked about it was that nothing was pushed on me.  I had many deep questions and our mentors Dan and Lisa Hawkins were able to give us a couple of CDs that we could review and ask questions if we wanted to pursue more.  This AGO system of information has lead me down a spiritual walk that has improved all areas of my life.  We started our own business for money but soon realized that once we got my faith right, the other 7 in the 8F’s all seemed to fall into place.

LIFE has a great introduction pack on their website called No Regrets.  If you are in a spot where no matter what you do there always seems to be something missing, I encourage finding the answers in a place that helped me out.  You won’t regret it!

Steve Leurquin