Creating A Culture

29 07 2016

To my loyal followers (who are left :)), I am sorry for not posting more articles.  I am making out a game plan to get more frequent articles posted.  In the meantime, enjoy this great post from one of the top Leadership minds that I know, Mr. Orrin Woodward.

Steve Leurquin

Leadership Culture and Cognitive Dissonance

Posted by Orrin Woodward on July 13, 2016

There is nothing more important, its proper implementation determining the destiny of nations, companies, charities, and families, than the creation of culture. Culture, a system of beliefs, values, and customs a community follows, cannot be seen, but it influences every behavior within the community.  Interestingly, despite nearly every leader expressing the need for right culture to produce right results,  few seem to build culture with specific intent. This, I believe, is one of the biggest leadership mistakes.

In other words, every community must get intentional about culture or suffer the grave consequences. Just over a year ago, in a conversation with Chris Brady, he boiled down influence within a company to the three R’s – require, recognize, or reward it. Although we weren’t specifically talking culture at the time, it didn’t take me long for me to realize Brady had just summed up the different methods one can create culture within a community. Ever since, I have thought deeply on how to create a culture that requires, recognizes, and rewards the right behaviors.

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance

Needless to say, this is much more difficult to do than it sounds, for most companies suffer from cognitive dissonance – a malady where the organization promotes one thing while rewarding another. Cognitive dissonance is perhaps the biggest failure-mode for most communities because it involves a misalignment between the culture and the longterm vision. This misalignment creates cultural inertia that, left to itself, will divide the community and blur the vision. Dissonance, in a word, destroys unity.

Accordingly, great leaders must identify the purpose and vision of the community; then develop the culture of requiring, recognizing, and rewarding to ensure the proper behaviors are performed to accomplish the vision. Moreover, if the leader realizes the 3 R’s currently instituted will not achieve the stated purpose and vision, he must have the courage to make the needed adjustments. In fact, this is what makes the leader the leader, namely, the courage to create the culture in order to achieve the community’s purpose. Any leader not willing to do this, is not truly a leader, for he merely follows the current culture rather than building the proper culture.

In essence, leaders are responsible for eliminating cognitive dissonance out of the culture to ensure the actions of the organization move it towards its purpose and vision. After all, nothing validates the leader’s value so much as his/her ability to move the cultural current in the proper direction. It doesn’t matter if it’s easy; it doesn’t matter if it’s convenient; it doesn’t even matter if it’s popular, but what does matters is whether the community can accomplish its reason for existing with the current culture. Thus, if there is cognitive dissonance, the culture must change.

When an organization is suffering in the throes of cognitive dissonance, the leader’s responsibility is to charge to the front lines and resist the improper cultural current, converting the dissonance into resonance by aligning the 3 Rs to the purpose and vision. Indeed, when the cultural current is flowing smoothly, the requirements, recognition, and rewards align the people win personally and professionally when the company wins purposefully. Proper leadership, therefore, creates the culture and the culture creates the results.

What is the purpose for your company? What is the culture of your company? Do the culture’s results aligned with the purpose of the company? If so, then the community will win. If not, then the leader must get to the front and lead, for as Harry Truman once said about leadership, “the buck stops here”.


Orrin Woodward

Eliminating Debt

14 03 2016

Life Leadership has taken on the challenge to helping people live a debt free life to anyone who wants to.  Check out the great website at that tracks how much debt the Financial Fitness Program has eliminated already from people throughout the world!

When you read about the amazing stories of people who have become debt free, you will become a believer that we can live in a country free of debt.  It will take some work, but it’s worth it.  We want our politicians to balance the budget of our country.  What better way to show them how it is done than leading by example.

Enjoy, Steve

“Setting People Free”


Total Access To Leadership

12 01 2016

Time after time, we ask the question, “What ever happened to _______?”  He could have done so much in this world but didn’t seem to reach his potential!

Have you ever answered that question?  Why did that person, who you felt was destined for greatness, not reach their full potential? I bet if you dug deep down you would find some outside source swayed them toward not seeing their true greatness inside.

The more I read about great men and women, I find that their path to an inspiring life was influenced by three things: The company they kept, the books they read, and the people they listened to (read, listen, associate).  What if there was a way to get all three things that lead to greatness in one? I pray often that when I get to the end of my life, I don’t look back and wish I had done more.

Watching the video below on Life Leadership’s Total Access, I wonder how many of peoples’ gifts will not go unopened with tools like this in their lives!  Enjoy, Steve Leurquin

The Financial Matrix is all Around Us

11 01 2016

Here is another great article by on of the top leadership minds in the world.  Mr. Woodward is on a quest to educate the world on finances with the hope of setting people free.  Enjoy!  Feel free to leave your thoughts.  Steve Leurquin

Rethinking the Dollar

Several weeks ago, I was asked to be a guest on the financial education site Rethinking the Dollar to discuss my new book The Financial Matrix. The interviewer asked some great questions (and despite some internet issues) the content should help citizens from across the world in their quest to be debt-free.

Many people believe that money and financial literacy is not really that important. However, I’m not sure how to respond to this since nearly everyone who tells me this also later admits to me that they are in debt personally. This seems absurd to me. If money truly isn’t that important, then why sell yourself into debt slavery to obtain such a trivial item?  Ouch! I know that’s quite a truth bomb, but think about it – if money really wasn’t that important then there would be a lot less debt! People speak foolishly when they buy their own lies and then start selling them to others. Does anyone else see the hypocrisy of spending more time working for money than investing time with family and friends and yet still claiming money isn’t important? Especially when we remember that the best way to read a person’s mind is through their actions and the actions and words simply aren’t aligning in most people’s lives.

The truth of the matter is that family and friends are much more important than money, but because the masses lack financial literacy, the elites control the masses through the masses ignorance. For instance, I don’t believe one in a thousand people can accurately explain what money is; nonetheless, the average person will spend over 40 hours per week for nearly 50 weeks per year for over 40 years in a quest to accumulate the object they cannot even define. Believe me, I am not knocking the reader when I say this because it is exactly the same position Laurie and I were in when we awoke from our fog. We asked ourselves, why are we spending so much of our life seeking something we do not even understand (money), let alone love. We were not seeking money for its own sake, but rather for the choices, charity, and security it could provide for our family.

At any rate, in a capitalistic society, money rates close to oxygen in the hierarchy of needs. Interestingly, you rarely hear someone say that oxygen isn’t important to them. :) In fact, classic historian Augustus Boeckh, described money’s importance in ancient Athens when he noted, “The intellectual faculties however are not of themselves sufficient to produce external action; they require the aid of physical force, the direction and combination of which are wholly at the disposal of money, that mighty spring by which the total force of human energies is set in motion.”  Money, in short, is power because it can requisition whatever resources necessary to accomplish the owners objectives.

As a result, when society surrenders its money to the Financial Elites, it soon loses the media and military to the elite manipulation when they use the easy money to buy them as well. Suddenly, the once free nation has now become a subjugated State where puppet politicians serve the Financial Elites rather than the people. Yes, the Financial Matrix rabbit hole continues to go deeper every time I study it. Even so, I will continue to study and ask the tough questions so long as I have the freedom to do so. Simply put, in a capitalist society, he who controls the money controls the society. Hence, the only way to regain our freedoms is to restore the free enterprise system to money where the price of the commodity (interest rate) is determined by the supply and demand for money in the marketplace.

What can the readers do to help restore freedom? For starters, they can educate themselves by applying the principles taught in the Financial Fitness Program.LIFE Leadership is on a mission to educate the masses around the world on the importance of financial literacy. You will either master money or money will master you. When money becomes your master, the person typically responds by becoming the King or Queen of Denial, claiming the money idol has no control over his/her life while it increasingly enslaves them in a web of debt and despair.

Thankfully, for those who are willing to look honestly at their financial situation, there is a path to freedom. Indeed, the birth of new knowledge begins with an admission of old ignorance. Laurie and I were ignorant in financial literacy and thus had entrapped ourselves in the Financial Matrix. Indeed, it was only once we realized our error that we sought better information to free ourselves from financial slavery.

Maybe 2016 is the year you make the change from debt slavery to debt freedom. If the reader is ready, I suggest you begin by diving into the Financial Fitness Program and start the journey of setting your family free! I hope you enjoy the video below.


Orrin Woodward

Random Acts of Kindness In Life

15 09 2015

Imagine 200 people showing up to a city hit by tough economic times to bless the community with random acts of kindness. A couple of weeks ago, a great group of people in Life Leadership did just that. 

Kristen Seidl captured the emotional day in a great article she wrote up on the We can and will change the world one person at a time!

Enjoy, Steve Leurquin

The Life on Life Initiative Leaves a Ripple Effect in Janesville, WI

“It’s so cool that we have a community where the positive peer pressure of people doing the right thing inspires others to do the same.” – Orrin Woodward

Life on LifeImagine being the man who had to rent a chainsaw to cut down a tree that had just fallen on his home the night before due to a heavy rain storm. You’ve worked hard all week and now you have to carve out another 6 hours of your Saturday to finish this labor-intensive task. Now, imagine what it would feel like to have 25 complete strangers show up at your house in white t-shirts ready and willing to help you! A task that would have taken you all day, was just completed in under an hour.

“Random Acts of Kindness” was the theme of the Life on Life Initiative that took place in Janesville, WI on Saturday, August 29th, 2015. Roughly 200 Life Leadership Members – under the leadership of Steve and Jamie Leurquin and the coordinated efforts of AGO Spokesman, Kristen Seidl – showed up to participate in the event. Not only was it a success, but this team came together to truly make a difference in the city.

The participants were encouraged not to have a plan and to look for needs as they drove around the streets of Janesville. However, that strategy didn’t fly for some people and extra effort was displayed in the actions of several members who had specific ideas on their hearts. The additional organized effort became a blessing in disguise as some of the projects needed more help than anticipated. Check out everything they did!

Life on Life

Organized Acts of Kindness:

  • Served at the House of Mercy (a shelter for women and children) – several people purchased items to donate and then spent time stocking and organizing the pantry, folding linens, talking and praying with some of the women and painting t-shirts with kids on the front lawn (t-shirts and supplies purchased by Life Members).
  • Finding a family in need – Connections in the city led to an incredible blessing for one family. The oldest son had been diagnosed with cancer nearly 6 years ago and was in remission until the cancer came back. Later it was revealed that the younger son and mom also had a condition that caused them to have skin cancer. So three members of the family with three cancer diagnoses. This family forgot they even had cancer when several Life Members showed up to bless them with toys, food, flowers and love. Tears of joy streamed from the eyes of all participants, especially mom.
  • One group visited an assisted living home and spent some time with the residents and then later they went to a local transitional housing shelter to donate personal care items to the veterans that were living there.
  • “FREE” Sale: Several people donated items from their home (clothes and other necessities) to the free sale. Others purchased school supplies that could also be donated to families. One lady was a hairdresser and gave free haircuts to kids at the free sale.
  • Backpacks and kid donations at 4th Ward Park: A city-wide event called “Praise in the Park” was taking place in the middle of the city and several Life Leadership Members purchased backpacks and filled them with school supplies and donated other kid’s items for some of the families in need.
  • Serving lunch at a community meal: A few participants gave up their lunch hour to dish out root beer floats to those in need at their local church for a community meal.
  • Serving at a public library: Life Members showed up and asked the technicians what was needed. They said “cleaning” so the participants began cleaning and sprucing up the ends of the shelves in the children’s section, which was a heavily used area.

“People walking by throughout the city were asking, ‘What’s the deal? I keep seeing these white t-shirts. What church are you guys with?’ And I responded, ‘We’re Life Leadership and we are out here to make a difference.’” -Tony Klubertanz

Life on Life

Random Acts of Kindness:

  • Pushing a car: Life Members took a wrong turn that led them to a street where they saw two guys trying to push a car that wouldn’t start. They weren’t making very much progress until the Life on Life crew jumped out of their car to help them push!
  • While standing in line at the Family Dollar waiting to purchase school supplies to donate, one Life Member began talking to a family in front of him in line that had a cart of groceries. Minutes later he paid for the families groceries and the father immediately started crying. The family was so grateful!
  • Life Leadership Members heard a chainsaw across the street from the House of Mercy and recognized that one man was trying to take down a tree that had fallen on his house. It wasn’t long before a massive army of people in white t-shirts showed up to help him! From climbing on the roof to picking up debris, the tree take-down and clean-up process was complete in less than an hour!
  • Donations to the Pregnancy Care Center: Several people purchased diapers, formula and toys to donate.
  • Free pizza in exchange for work: One man was a locksmith and received a call from a local pizza place whose lock was broken and they couldn’t get in the building. So the family jumped in their car to go help. However, instead of taking money in exchange for the work they told the pizza place they could pay him in pizzas. Their plan was to give the pizzas away. They knew of a local shelter that would be the perfect place to donate the pizza. But instead of just donating they decided to have a pizza party and spend time with the the adults and children in the shelter.
  • One group bounced around to several spots – St. Mary’s ER, Dean Urgent Care, Mercy ER and Mercy Urgent Care, the Fire Department, the Post Office, the Humane Society, one assisted living facility (Cedar Crest) and they found a group of guys who needed help reroofing a house. At all of the locations they dropped off M&M’s, homemade chocolate chip bars/rice crispy bars and a thank you note for making a difference and serving in their career.
  • Laundry mat: Life Members donated a bunch of change to people who needed help with paying for their laundry. The people were so grateful even for just a stack of quarters.
  • IMG_3659“I saw a guy that I recognized dropping off items for his son and ex at the House of Mercy. He seemed down-and-out and it ended up being a guy I knew from high school that I used to run with. His name was Joel. I hadn’t seen him in 20 years. After I talked to him briefly, his young son came over and I just started edifying him to his son just like I had known him in high school. He was super-human as a runner and I really looked up to him. The son couldn’t believe how amazing his dad was after all the positive things I said about him. Later I talked with his ex and found out that Joel isn’t doing well so I gave her my name and number and told her to have him call me if he needed a friend to talk to. I was happy that I could paint a different picture of Joel to his son.” -Mike Hebbe

Additional Blessings:

  • The local Family Dollar radically increased their sales for the day as hundreds of people purchased school supplies and other necessities to donate throughout the city.
  • Some of the families wanted to donate money for items at the free sale because they felt bad taking things for free so the kids helping out thought of the idea to donate the extra donated money to the Humane Society across the street.
  • Even the smallest act of kindness made a difference. Some people were greeted with a compassionate hug, a friendly smile and an encouraging word. Others received a free meal, bus tokens, home-made greeting cards, an encouraging sticky-note on their car window and a free full tank of gas.

“The biggest impact this Life on Life event had on us was knowing how much help we can offer this world if we slow down enough to open our eyes and look around. We came into a city without a plan of action, but to provide random acts of kindness to people we interact with every day. It doesn’t take much to bless people and often it doesn’t take any money at all. So often we feel the need to go on a missions trip far away to make an impact when our mission field is in our own back yard. I believe this group created a ripple effect that will go on further than they know. The biggest surprise to me was how many people were stunned and in disbelief when help was offered to them. What if we cause a change where random acts of kindness are not looked at as shocking, but something that people do every day?! Life Leadership is creating a culture where ‘doing what is right’ is cool again. As a group, our eyes are now opened to how much impact a small group can make. Look out world, Life on Life is going to change the world!” – Steve and Jamie Leurquin (Life Members) 

It’s amazing what can be accomplished when a group of people align their purpose and chase it together; hundreds of people were impacted in the city of Janesville on Saturday and thousands are experiencing the ripple effect. Life on Life is truly making a difference! We are so proud of this “Stealth” organization for modeling true servant leadership. Please take a moment to check out this highlight video from the event!

Life Leadership: The Life You’ve Always Wanted

Life Leadership Explained

27 08 2015

Sometimes it’s best to get information right from the horse’s mouth.  Not to call the top influential leadership mind in the world and Chairman of Life Leadership a horse……..well……….work with me.  In this interview Orrin Woodward explains why Life Leadership will become a household name over the next 10 years!  The ripple affect created from LIFE will change the world.  After reading this interview I know you will agree!

Enjoy, Steve Leurquin 

Life Leadership Interview with Chairman, Orrin Woodward

“Over the next decade, Life Leadership will become a household name in the financial, personal, and professional development fields as it reaches millions of people across the world.” -Orrin Woodward

Orrin WoodwardEveryone wants to be a part of something–the connectedness of like-minds, like-abilities and like-interests is what draws people together. In fact, the reason Life Leadership is such an attractive company is because of its people, its products and its compensation plan. In order to help readers understand why everyone should be involved with the company, we thought it would be helpful to ask the Chairman of Life Leadership, Orrin Woodward, a few questions. Enjoy!

(The italicized responses are quoted directly from Orrin Woodward)

If there is one product created by Life Leadership that you believe everyone in the world should have, what would it be and why?

The Financial Fitness Pack is, by far, Life Leadership’s best selling program. The reason for this is practically everyone needs help with the principles or the discipline to live debt-free. With average household debt in the USA surpassing $200,000 while the average savings is $7,000, one quickly comprehends how needed financial literacy is across Western Civilization.

We often hear you say, “If it’s not broken, break it!” What is the philosophy behind this statement, and how does it help a company?

Every great company must focus on the most vital issues; for one simply cannot work on everything at the same time. In consequence, identify what areas of your business drive the greatest improvements and focus there. “If it’s not broken, break it” refers to improving vital areas regardless of whether it seems to be good currently. Good simply is not good enough when the leadership team is striving for a great company. Every process can be improved; and if it is one of the key processes that drives long-term customer satisfaction, then it is not an option.

Cast a vision: Where do you see Life Leadership in 5 years? 10 years?

Life Leadership rewards people for applying and sharing life-changing information through compensated communities. While a few companies have great information and a few companies have great compensated communities, Life Leadership is the only company that has both. Over the next decade, Life Leadership will become a household name in the financial, personal, and professional development fields as it reaches millions of people across the world. Interestingly, the Life founders realized that few people are like the young Solomon, who prayed for wisdom and had all other things added unto him. Rather, most are seeking pragmatic answers to the financial challenges they are facing; but in the process, Life Leadership provides them not only with short-term answers, but also the long-term wisdom to apply into their lives. As a result, people are not just getting financially free, but are also gaining wisdom for life to set them free in all areas of life.

When did you know–and how did you know–that education and leadership would be so much of a niche market in networking that you decided to create a company around it?

There is a verse in the Bible that says, “Man devises his plans, but God directs his steps.” This is certainly true of the Life Leadership founders. We focused on leadership development to build compensated communities when I first started in network marketing. Hence, when we started our own company, it was only natural to stay within the niche where we knew we could be world-class. Many companies can produce good products, but we knew we could be the best at two aspects, namely, life-changing information and the most lucrative compensation plan in the field.

What has been the biggest turning point/shift in growth since the company has launched?

I believe this occurred when we recognized that promoting all of our products led to us promoting none of our products effectively. The financial messaging as shared in my new book the Financial Matrix has led to double-digit growth on a monthly basis since its release. Think about that. We have the same products and the same leaders; but with better messaging, our business exploded. Why? Because a person qualifies for Life Leadership if they want to live the life they’ve always wanted and are either in debt themselves or know someone else who is in debt. In other words, every single person needs what Life has to offer and the only question is, are they willing to step out of their comfort zone to live their dreams. In truth, the only thing they have to lose is their debt.

How important is the Life on Life Initiative?

Orrin WoodwardLife Leadership is about setting people free at three levels. For some, this is high-end wealth to live their dreams. For others, it’s about wiping out the debt that is enslaving them. Finally, for the last group, it’s about setting them functionally free. It’s estimated that over 21% of Americans cannot read at a 5th grade level. This is dangerous for all of our freedoms when nearly a quarter of the people cannot read and think for themselves. As an information-based company with cutting-edge materials, we believe we must play our part in helping free the minds of people who are enslaved by the inability to read the classic works or literature and learn to think, grow, and change. This is the Life on Life Initiative which is funded by Life Leadership donating one dollar for every Life Leadership subscription we sell to anywhere in the world in order to help fight illiteracy. In addition, Life Leadership donates 100% of the profits from its All Grace Outreach series to various charities focused on widows and orphans. We believe when a person is blessed, they should also be a blessing.

Why is it so important that a leadership company produce faith-based content?

Life Leadership is not a church and thus we do not exclude people from any faiths or even no faith. We do, however, expect everyone to follow the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. I believe its imperative for the community to know where its leaders stand on the key principles of truth, love, mercy, and justice. The All Grace Outreach Series provides gospel messages of hope to inspire people to ask themselves why they believe what they believe. We have seen so many lives change as light shined into darkness and transformed them by renewing their minds. Faith, cannot be forced, but rather is the work of the Holy Spirit upon the mind, heart, and will of individual people as they wrestle with truths in their own lives. The AGO series seeks to be the catalyst that starts that process in a person’s life.

What do you love the most about Life Leadership?

Life Leadership provides an opportunity and a community where people can achieve whatever success they are willing to work for. Life Leadership is not a lottery, where a person hopes he picked the winning ticket. Instead, it’s a systematic process where a person can start with no wisdom and no results, but by adding his/her hunger to change can begin a process of discovery. This process teaches the principles needed to live life based upon wisdom rather than pragmatism or self-centeredness. What I love most is when I see people display the courage to journey down the straight and narrow path and become the person God intended them to be. The greatest joy of each of theLife Leadership Founders is knowing that God is using us to provide the platform for people to live the life they’ve always wanted, but didn’t know where to start in order to achieve it.


Now it’s your turn! What do you love the most about Life Leadership? Please leave a comment below!

What Do The Kids Think?

13 08 2015

Life Leadership is making such a huge impact throughout the world on people’s personal dreams and the many less fortunate that members in Life go out and serve through their charitable actions, but the question has to be asked, “How are their kids doing?”  Well, I’m glad you asked!

In a new post by they took some time to hear from the many kids throughout Life Leadership to answer just that. I may be a be a bit biased because my kids are in this article, but this write-up is awesome! I want everyone to know that these answers were un-edited.  I listened as my wife asked our kids the questions and wrote down their answers exactly as they came out.  If anyone is concerned if your kids will be ok while they watch you pursue your dreams, my answer is, heck yes!  We want our kids to go out and do their best, but how many of us our doing that?  In Life Leadership, our kids learn how to strive for their dreams by watching us pursue our dreams.

Enjoy, Steve Leurquin

Life Leadership Kid Testimonies (unedited): Part 1

“One of the biggest impacts that Life Leadership has had is that we get to spend a lot of time with our family because my mom doesn’t have to go to a job all day long.” Geneva (age 8)

Life Leadership (LL) continues to be at the forefront of creating change; specifically by pouring efforts into influencing the next generation. With the Edge series subscription, Edge book and newly published comic book, The Big Meeting, kids are sure to learn leadership and success principles that will help them in all areas of their life for years to come. Additionally, for parents who involve their kids in dream-building, goal-setting, reading, listening, associating and living the Life Leadership experience as a family, the impact is vastly different. These “Life kids” are Rascals; they are leaders in their schools, churches and communities and they see the world through a lens that is uncommon in the world today.

…but, they are still kids! :)

…and these kids have a voice! They have stories to tell and testimonies to share! So we are excited to feature a multi-part-series of Life Leadership kid testimonies on this blog. The kids were asked a variety of questions: what is your favorite book or CD in the LL Library? What have you learned the most from LL? What do you love the most about LL? These (mostly) “unedited” quotes will make you smile, laugh and even bring tears to your eyes. We hope that you enjoy reading their responses and encourage you to share your kid’s testimonies in the comments section of this article so we can feature them in future posts!

Mielke kids reading together 8 yrs ago (ages 4, 6, 8)

What is your favorite book in the LL Library and why?

“The Dream Giver – I liked that he had obstacles but didn’t give up.  He made it through the obstacles and stepped outside his comfort zone to get his dream.” Emma (age 13)

“The Magic of Thinking Big: It helps you to be better with your words and actions.” Ava (age 7)

“My favorite book is Wooden.  He teaches you how to never give up and to always try your hardest.” Cader (age 10)

“I liked the Slight Edge because it taught that if I do little things right, one day it will lead to success.” Lucas (age 13)

“Personality Plus: It helps you understand people better and how to make better conversation.” McKenzie (age 13)

“I like the month in Italy book because it is exciting, and because of it I want to go there and to a lot of other countries in the world.” Terrel (age 10)

“The Financial Fitness for Teens book because it helped me balance my finances for better times in the future. I read the book in 8th grade and wrote a 2-page paper.” Alex (age 14)

“Toughen up! I like this book because it has a lot of stories and tips.” Aiden (age 11)

“My favorite book is Personality Plus.  I think this book really gives real-life, applicable knowledge and tips.” Reilly (age 16)

“I don’t have a favorite book but Life Leadership has encouraged my whole family to read more and I’m thankful for that.” Anna (age 12)

What is your favorite CD created by LL and why?

“I like the CD about the boy who helped build a playground because it shows me what I can do for others.” Anna (age 12)

“Buried Treasure: It’s full of adventure and trial and error, and it tells you never to give up” Aiden (age 11)

“I read the Rascal book and loved it. The Edge CDs have great stories of people you can learn from. I love the one about Mel Fisher. It makes learning fun!” Luke (age 13)

“My favorite CD is bird dogging which bumped out bug in my ear.  I don’t think I learned from it, but it’s hilarious.” Geneva (age 8)

“Buried Treasure by Chris Brady: It teaches you to never give up and to never lose hope with whatever you are trying to do.” McKenzie (age 13)

“My favorite Edge CD is How to Control Your Attitude by Dan Hawkins.  I like it because he teaches about having to practice to be good.  Also, sometimes you’ll need to sacrifice some fun things to do in order to practice so you can be good.” Cader (age 10)

“…Buried treasure: It was exciting, I liked who he was and what he did. I appreciate his personality and that he kept digging for his son even when his son died.  Even when people tried to stop him he never gave up and always looked for another way. I love his saying today’s the day and I think if I’m trying to do something like I want to be a professional football player that if some team drops me I will keep trying and have another team pick me up……..Another cd that I like is the one that tells the story of Martin. I learned that when he was in school he was studying when everyone else was playing and people in the whole town were willing to help pay because they saw how hard he was working, and when he went to college he was a great student because he didn’t want to let the people from the village down.  He repaid everyone too.  He is great because he kept going to get his dream and he is still going. He is strong in his faith and I want to be like that………I have one more CD that I like which is when Tim marks interviewed his children. Parents don’t have to wait til they are on a CD, they can talk to their kids now.  The CD taught modesty.  It also taught if you are hanging with your friends to include your younger siblings.  Always be kind to people even if they aren’t kind to you.  I think they made a big difference by including the boy they talked about and that he might be more likely to go and make friends and he may come back and they could include him again.” Terrel (age 10)  ~ We understand Terrel, it’s so hard to pick just one! :) ~

“My favorite CD is S.L.O.W. by Lindsey Spiewak.  I like when my mom and dad take time to play with me and spend time with me like the CD talks about.”  Colby (age 8)

“I have many favorite EDGE CDs.  I like the one where Mr. Brady interviewed Martin because when everyone else was playing Martin was working hard and studying. He was always going after his dreams.  I think he got his dreams way faster than other people who were playing.” Geneva (age 8)

What have you learned the most from LL?

“I have learned that you don’t need a boss to work. You are your own boss! And you can spend time with your family.” Anna (age 12)

“I have learned to believe in myself more.” Lucas (age 13)

“I like that our parents can stay home with us and we are learning more as a family. I’ve learned more people skills over the years and I love that I can learn from people who failed.” Aiden (age 11)

“I learned about money and how to save for better things instead of spending it on just good things.  Also, I like how it is a faith-based business because most businesses don’t have that. I like being around the people and meeting new people.” Emma (age 13)

“I think one of the most important things I’ve learned from being involved in this community since I was three years old is understanding the different personalities.  As a young person growing up, I believe this is a very important skill that not a lot of people have under their belt, and it allows us to extend grace to people by being able to recognize that; that a person just has a different personality than you and isn’t just out to bother you.  Another important skill is emotional intelligence.  Sometimes it’s hard being a teenager and just wanting to let those natural emotions run rampant, but I’ve (mostly) learned to control them and to stay cool in both formal and informal situations.  Being able to control those emotions and be mature in settings where you might not want to be, is a very handy skill, in my opinion.” Reilly (age 16)

“I have learned delayed gratification and how to save money. The best part is to set a goal to get what I want.” Kaleb (age 15)

“Always be kind to people even if they aren’t kind to you.” Terrel (age 10)

“I’ve learned more about God than most people will and I like that my parents try to do their best with parenting by reading books. They teach us everything they know so we can do the same for our kids.” McKenzie (age 13)

“I’ve learned to never give up, because when the going gets tough the tough get going.” Geneva (age 8)

“You have to be encouraging and helpful to have people trust you.” Alex (age 14)

Kid Testimonies 1

What do you love the most about LL?

“I love being involved with Life leadership because we get to go on trips that we wouldn’t otherwise, my parents wouldn’t have even known to be debt free and some of my friends are people I would have never met if my parents weren’t in this business. Another thing I know is that if anything ever happened to one of my parents that they would be ok because they would have money to pay their bills and for medical attention, and the prayers of everyone else in Life Leadership would help.  It makes me feel secure and I don’t have to worry because I know my mom and dad will be ok.” Geneva (age 8)

“I like how my parents teach us good things, that they stay home and hang out with us.” Ava (age 7)

“I love attending the Life Leadership conferences because I get to hang around people who are growing and can help me grow.” Kaleb (age 15)

“My favorite thing about Life Leadership is all of my friends.” Michaela (age 3)

“I like that my mom and dad get to stay home with me instead of working like other parents do.  I like that they help other people and make money.”  Colby (age 8)

“I like that my parents are always home and not gone all day.” Ethan (age 12)

“My family is always having fun and spending a lot more time together than a regular family.  Also, if someone in my family is hurt, we will always have people praying for us.  We have nice communities and we work together to build so it helps people have enough for medical bills and to make our communities better.  If people are just customers they should try to get involved in the communities because their children could have great friends through this.  Without Life Leadership I wouldn’t have been able to get the dogs I have. We are also going to have animals and a farm because of Life leadership and we are going to be able to share those with other people who love them too. The time with my family on a daily basis and the trips we go on together are the best things about Life Leadership.” Terrel (age 10)

“It seemed like there was a lot more fighting and not a lot of love before Life Leadership. Now our house is a lot happier and my parent’s are happier. That’s what I like the most. I think Life Leadership saved my parent’s marriage.” Lucas (age 13)

“Knowing that every Tuesday my parents go out to help other people.” Savannah (age 10)

“I like that my parents get to stay home with me and not have jobs.  I like being able to spend time with them.  I also like that they can help other parents to do the same thing.”  Cader (age 10)

Such wisdom in the words of these kids! We are so proud of them for their hunger to want to learn and grow alongside their parents! Do you have a child that loves Life Leadership? If so, we would love to hear from them! You can share their testimony in the comments section or e mail them to: and their quote will be featured in another future article!

LIFE Financial Fitness Success Story

28 07 2015

LIFE Leadership is making a huge impact on this world! We all love hearing the dream-struggle-victory of ordinary people who become champions because of how they persist through adversity.  Let me introduce you to two champions in our life.  Adam and Teesa Rossman tell their story in the video below. They will soon be telling their extended story on stages throughout the world.  Like a proud parent of the children’s success is how proud I am of this couple!  Enjoy, Steve Leurquin

*The article is below. To see the Rossman’s video click on

A Financial Fitness Movement: What’s Your Story?

“Financial Fitness is perfect for all income levels. My only regret is that I didn’t have this information ten years ago.” -Raymond Abernathy

The Financial Matrix is everywhere–and everyone is a victim until they are freed from the chains of financial bondage. Even a five-minute conversation with someone will expose the stress that people are under because of money–and specifically the lack thereof. That is why the Financial Fitness (FF) product line is so critical to a person’s financial journey towards freedom. Best-selling Author Orrin Woodward says, “the truth will set you free, right after it ticks you off.” But if applied, the principles taught in the Financial Fitness program will set you free.

In addition to the basic FF Program (which is also available digitally), customers have access to many other benefits that include: a free personal website which is completely customized for the user to stay on track throughout the program, the Financial Fitness Booster which offers ongoing digital support through 6 videos and 15 audios, and the Track and Save Program which is available either online or as a downloadable app on any Smart Phone.

Financial FitnessThousands of people have taken the proper steps to apply the 47 financial principles in the program, and current customers have already eliminated $490,646 of debt–and the number keeps climbing. What is required is an understanding of the principles behind the offense, defense, and playing field of personal finance. A financial education involves budgeting, roll-down reduction training, planning tools, offensive game plans, teaching on how to arrange money into a hierarchy, and even how the nation’s monetary policy affects your money. Financial Fitness teaches about all of this and more, and the information is completely transforming people’s lives.

“When we were struggling and fighting through all of the debt, we thought we were the only people going through it…and what we’ve come to realize by getting debt free is that we’re actually some of the only people who are debt free now….everyone needs the Financial Fitness Program!” -Teesa Rossman

Check out Adam and Teesa Rossman’s Financial Fitness testimony:

Leaders Make The Decision

6 07 2015

This past weekend I had the honor of having some great leaders over to my house for a 4th of July picnic.  We we in a circle talking about the future and the many great things this fine group of people were going to accomplish over the next year.  I asked the group how they accomplished a most recent goal when an amazing point on success was made. One lady said, “We made the decision that the goal was going to be accomplished, then we figured out how to get it done!”

Think about that.  That statement sums up what it takes to be successful in anything we want to be great at.  Sports, parenting, business, it all comes down to making a decision and then making that decision right!

Then why don’t more people do it?  As I apply this principle to my goals in Life, I believe it is because we think of two things that hold us back.  First, if we make the decision, then we know we have to go out and do the work. Yes, people are creatures of comfort which can be borderline lazy. Second, when we make a decision for success, our brains automatically go to the negative and we think of what if we don’t get it done.

To answer those two I am going to give myself advice and you can listen in if you want.  Running for a goal/dream is a much more refreshing/purpose-filled life than playing it safe. Get out there and make your life into what brings your creator glory.  It’s that simple ________________ (fill in your name), we have all ben given a certain amount of time. We will either have regrets or we will know we gave our best.

Live each day to the fullest! Steve Leurquin.

Financial Matrix Defined

10 06 2015

Wrapping our brains around something new, especially on the surface as complex as the Financial Matrix, can be tough.  We have two options. The first is to say it’s too complex and I’ll never understand, thus living a life of ignorance. Or Two, we can start taking one bite at a time until it becomes as part of us as simple math.

I love the community of Life Leadership! They are choosing to peel the layers of the onion that is the Financial Matrix.  Like an onion, it might cause some tears but it is worth it.

Thank you Orrin Woodward for your blog helping all of us take a big bite of knowledge toward understanding the Financial Matrix.  

Enjoy, Steve

What is the Financial Matrix?

The Financial Matrix has captured nearly everyone within its web. The system of control works by seducing people into debt by “easy” monthly payments. The monthly payments accumulate until the people can no longer afford their own opinion. Instead, they must do the bidding of their creditors because, as the Bible stated long ago, “The borrower is slave to the lender.” The Financial Matrix book explains this is much more detail for those who haven’t read it.

I am not saying that the loaning and borrowing of money, in itself, constitutes a scam. For the Financial Matrix scam goes much deeper than that. Indeed, the Financial Matrix, through the Fractional Reserve Banking (FRB) system, supported by Central Banks and National Governments, is allowed to create money out of thin air to “loan” to the people. In a word, fake (fiat) money is loaned out to people who must pay back the interest and principal with real production. This is the Financial Matrix Scam.

How Does a Person Escape the Financial Matrix?

The plan to escape the Financial Matrix is simple to explain but difficult to implement, namely, stop taking on debt. A person must learn to live below his current income even if that means foregoing some of the things he desires. For just because a person wants something doesn’t mean he should sell himself into financial slavery to purchase it. Quit buying items today, in other words, on income that a person plans to make tomorrow; instead, the correct approach is to buy items today on income he made yesterday.

Unfortunately, most people have not learned this key financial literacy principle. In fact, this isn’t by accident, but by design. Think about how much education the average person is receiving today and yet how little financial literacy education they receive. I have met doctorate level graduates in many fields, with 10 plus years of education, who do not understand the rudimentary principles of compound interest, nor delayed gratification. This must change.

How to Play Defense Against the Financial Matrix?

Financial Fitness Pack

Anyone truly seeking a change in his/her financial situation must realize the need to apply new principles. The Financial Fitness Program (FFP) (Now available as a continuous education program for accountants) will teach a person step by step how to live below his current means. Many customers of this pack have escaped the Financial Matrix Scam by learning how to say no to the instant gratification purchases. It doesn’t matter how much a person makes as much as how much he spends. In fact, the Financial Matrix system loves high income earners because they typically carry more debt and service it longer.

The great news is once a person changes the financial paradigm, the compounding effect of debt reduction becomes an enjoyable game. Instead of thousands of dollars per month being poured down the Financial Matrix hole, that money now remains in the producers hands to either wipe out more debt or start to purchase items in cash. As a result, the average person can break out of the Financial Matrix by just playing defense in a 15 to 20 year plan and be debt-free including his mortgage. However, some people choose to go faster.

How to Play Offense Against the Financial Matrix?

This is the purpose of LIFE Leadership community. When customers realize how effective the Financial Fitness Program (FFP) is to help them get out of debt, many choose to share this program with others. LIFE created a compensated community to reward the people who help others escape the Financial Matrix Scam. In other words, the worst that happens to a person who joins LIFE Leadership and applies the principles taught is they lose their debt. On the upside, the go-getters who choose to share this financial program with others are rewarded for doing so.

LIFE Leadership then starts with a simple premise, namely, that being in debt and stress is not good for people. Accordingly, LIFE provides the FFP to teach financial literacy and a plan of escape. Meanwhile, for those who want to escape the Financial Matrix faster, LIFE offers people the opportunity to own their own business and build a business asset. A person can start by playing defense and utilizing the community support group to help him make better decisions financially. And, at any time in the process, he can choose to go on offense and share the financial products to others who could benefit by better financial literacy. Win-Win-Win.

What Makes LIFE Leadership Different?

I have studied the data of LIFE members and I am blown away by what I discovered. It takes less than six months for the average member to save more money from the Financial Matrix than they are investing in their own business. This is what makes LIFE Leadership different than most traditional product companies – the Financial Fitness Program (FFP) saves the consumer more money than it costs to purchase. The FFP is, after all, only 99 dollars. In the coming months, I plan on interviewing many of the people who have reduced their debt to highlight their stories.  The testimonials of people who have wiped out $10k, $25k, $50k, and some over $100k in less than six months simply need to be shared with the world!

What other organization can a person join where the worst that happens to him is he wipes out his debt and the best that happens to him is he builds a business asset, develops his personal leadership, and makes friends for life? Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not saying everyone who joins LIFE Leadership will get debt free. For merely joining an organization doesn’t make someone successful anymore than merely buying an exercise bike causes one to lose wait. After all, YOU have to use the financial principles and the exercise bike to accomplish the desired objective.

Fortunately, most of the people who purchase the FFP (about 75%) reduce their financial debt. Moreover, around 10% of that group start making money by building a business asset. What about the other 25%? I don’t know if I could answer this any better than John Wayne did, “Life is tough, even tougher when your stupid.” :) Ok, I know that was politically incorrect in today’s sensitive age. But seriously folks, how can the FFP help someone eliminate debt if they won’t open it up, read the materials, and apply its lessons? LIFE even has a community support group to encourage them in the habit changing process. A teacher cannot teach until the student is ready.

Despite what the modern media tells you, success  is NOT a lottery. Indeed, people don’t luck their way to success, but rather learn their way into it. If you are tired of waiting for your ship to come, then perhaps its time to join the LIFE Leadership ship. Whether as a customer and learn to play defense to avoid the Financial Matrix or as a member and learn how to play defense and offense to avoid the Financial Matrix is totally up to you.

What I know is with the proper financial principles, you too can escape the Financial Matrix and live the life you always wanted.


Orrin Woodward